National Radio Data

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Frequently Asked Questions

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 Common Questions
    What Do You Have?
    Finding Common Frequencies
    Do you provide Talk Group ID's?


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  • Cookies - To Use National Radio Data you must enable Cookies. Features such as login and searching require support of Cookies. National Radio Data stores Cookies (small text files) on your computer allowing you to login and view search results. Your web browser or firewall/security is most likely the cause of blocked or disabled Cookies.

  • See also: For a complete description of how Cookies work and what they do, please visit: How Stuff Works
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  • Browser Problems - Most web browsers allow you to specify how cookies and JavaScript are handled for example: your browser may be configured to reject all Cookies or to disable all JavaScripts.
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If this does not fix the problem - read on for more information.

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Help logging in to National Radio Data

IMPORTANT - Login and Passwords are case sensitive.

If you have forgotten your user name or password click here

How to login - To login click the Login link located just below the navigation tabs near the top of the page. Customers must be logged in to access most areas of National Radio Data.

User Name - Your user name is the e-mail address you provided during the registration process. When entering your user name please type the entire e-mail address just as if you were sending someone an email, for example: johndoe@domain Forgot my login

Password - The password to your account is one you provided during registration. The number of characters cannot be less than five characters. Forgot my login

Other issues that might prevent you from logging in

Cookies - To Use National Radio Data you must enable Cookies. Features such as login and searching require support of Cookies. National Radio Data stores Cookies (small text files) on your computer allowing you to login and view search results. Your web browser or firewall/security is most likely the cause of blocked or disabled Cookies. Read more about this problem.

If you are having problems logging in with your password please verify the ‘Num Lock’ key on your keyboard is active(for the ten key).

Common Questions

What Do You Have? Subscribers to National Radio Data can locate local or nationwide scanner frequencies with our powerful and easy to use frequency searches. Our FCC frequency spectrum databases contain over 8 million United States scanner frequencies and over 424,000 Canadian scanner frequencies. Our scanner frequency databases are updated weekly to insure the information you retrieve from our web site is up-to-date!

Other features include database searches for United States and Canadian Amateur Radio call signs, Mass Media (AM, FM DXing), World Wide Airport frequencies, Civil Aviation Registry, speciality items such as NASCAR and other racing series frequencies, selected Government frequencies and various resources!


Finding Common Frequencies? Finding common police, sheriff, fire and other local government frequencies: (If the ambulance service is owned by the local government, the following will also apply).

Most city governments do not list their local police, sheriff or fire with the FCC under such names. They are typically listed as "City of", "County of", "State of" "Town of", "Township of" or a combination thereof. For example, "Atlanta, City of", "Portland, city of", "Denver, city and county of", "Florida, state of"

Use the Entity Name Lookup and search for the name of the City, County or State (Atlanta, Portland, Denver, Florida and so on) or the word "City", "County" or "State".

If you are unable to find the information using these examples, the Entity Names (All) search will display all entity names registered in that County.

Search Results Hint:

Cross-linked Search Results - On the results page you will notice that several fields are underlined links. Click on any underlined fields in the search results to perform secondary searches. This link will search on the link text and current State.

For Example: You locate the Entity name and want all frequencies for their call sign. By clicking on their call sign a secondary search will be performed and will return all matches to that call sign.

Please note: Our databases are updated weekly from the FCC to ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information possible. Naming convections may not be consistent.


Do You Provide Talk Group Ids? Subscribers to National Radio Data can locate local or nationwide scanner frequencies with our powerful and easy to use frequency searches. Our FCC frequency spectrum databases contain over 8 million United States scanner frequencies and over 424,000 Canadian scanner frequencies. Our scanner frequency databases are updated weekly to insure the information you retrieve from our web site is up-to-date!

Other features include database searches for United States and Canadian Amateur Radio call signs, Mass Media (AM, FM DXing), World Wide Airport frequencies, Civil Aviation Registry, speciality items such as NASCAR and other racing series frequencies, selected Government frequencies and various resources!

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